Colony Survival Wiki

Zombies - know your foe.

The Zombie is currently the only Monster in Colony Survival.

Zombies are undead humans closeley resembling the apparance of colonists, with the most noticable differences being a different colour scheme, glowing eyes and the absence of shirts on some of the zombie types.

The zombie spawns at night and slowly lumbers towards your flag, eating all of the colonists in its way.

The amount of zombies depends on the amount of Colonists. However having no colonists doesn't stop the zombies from spawning. The current colonist to zombie ratio is unknown, the main diffuclty of determining that is the fact that a random amount of zombies spawn naturally, but the closest estimated formula is - (number of colonists)*2.

Zombies can spawn in any 1x1x2 space as long as it is not in your colonies "safe zone" That includes underground and underwater.

Zombies typically spawn at night, unless the "daytime monsters" feature is enabled (in wich case they spawn 24/7) However, zombies do not die at daybreak, so it is advised to keep guard at all times against the evergrowing horde.

Zombies have several variants ranging in colour and health points, their damage is however identical all around - 2 hits to slay a colonist.

The current zombie types are -

  1. The common green shirt zombie - the weakest and most common among the assailants, easy to take down but a crowd of them can easily owerwhelm an unprepared colony.
  2. The yellow eyed zombie - this type of zombie is less often seen and has about twice the health of a common green, it's defining feature is it's glowing yellow eyes.
  3. The Red Ghoul - One of the rarest zombies - it has incredibely large health pool, and looks like a red skinned colonisgt with no shirt and red glowing eyes.

(editors note - The zombie types are not up-to-date)         

Important notes          

  • Zombies can spawn Anywhere outside your safe zone, but their spawnrate is bossted when player is nearby.         
  • Zombies don't seem to despawn even if there is no players in their facinities          
  • Zombies cannot spawn on a space that hasn't got a path to the banner on it that includes trees and 2 block deep holes.         
  • There is no Lore explanation as to why there are zombies or why there are so many of them, and there probably never will be.         
  • Zombies are the only current foe in colony survival, and they will probably be the only one.         
  • Zombie AI is based on the closest target to them - if there are no colonists nearby they will just flock to the banner, however a colonist 5 or more blocks away will grab their attention and force pursuit.         
  • Zombies don't spawn in hoardes all at once, they spawn every few seconds during the night, even when it's only 30 seconds untill dawn.                  